About US

The Texas Conference Men’s Ministries Department exists to help the men of the Texas Conference be the men God created them to be. Through events such as training weekends and retreats, we seek to leave a lasting impression on the men who attend. Our goal is for them to develop a firmer commitment to God, a stronger dedication to their families, and a desire to share their faith with others.

We also resource & equip local church Men’s Ministries leaders to have Men’s Ministries in their local church. Our Vision is to see every church in the Texas Conference have a strong Men’s Ministries program.

We draw inspiration from and are challenged by the following famous quote by Seventh-day Adventist Church founder and pioneer, Ellen G. White: “The greatest want of the world is the want of men — men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall,” Education, Ch. 7.

Tom Grove

Men’s Ministries English Coordinator

Tom Grove has served as the Texas Conference Men’s Ministries English Coordinator since August 2022. He also serves as the Associate Director for Ministry & Evangelism.

He is passionate about seeing men become leaders in their homes, communities, and churches. This leadership development happens through intentional discipleship.

Prior to his role at the Texas Conference, Grove served as the Executive Pastor of the Arlington (TX), SDA Church, where he also led Men’s Ministries.

He is the author of the Spiritual Leadership Curriculum Joshua’s Men, published by AdventSource. It is being used throughout North America to mentor and develop men as spiritual leaders.

He is married to his wife Deborah and has two children, Mark & Caroline, and lives in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex.